Meet Fortra® Your Cybersecurity Ally™
Security teams don’t care about tools; they’re looking for business results — and so does Fortra. Every day, Fortra is finding cyber threats and mitigating them. They call these protected outcomes, and they are one of the ways that Fortra is creating a stronger, simpler future for cybersecurity.
Fortra’s best-in-class portfolio is designed to be your go-to singular resource for a straightforward strategy that makes you stronger, more effective, and more adaptable. There offerings give you the tools you need to meet the challenges of today’s threat landscape head on while streamlining and automating your infrastructure.
Meet their offering
Cobalt Strike
Threat Emulation Software for Adversary Simulations and Red Team Operations
Cobalt Strike is a threat emulation tool, ideal for mimicking an advanced, stealthy threat actor that’s been embedded in an IT environment long-term. Cobalt Strike’s post-exploitation agents and collaboration capabilities ensure effective Adversary Simulations and Red Team operations. Challenge Blue Teams and measure incident response with malleable C2, which allows network indicators to imitate different malware and social engineering processes to strengthen security operations for measuring your security program and incident response capabilities.
Software for Adversary Simulations and Red Team Operations
Adversary Simulations and Red Team Operations are security assessments that replicate the tactics and techniques of an advanced adversary in a network. While penetration tests focus on unpatched vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, these assessments benefit security operations and incident response.
Core Security
Core Security delivers market-leading, threat-aware, vulnerability, identity and access management solutions that provide the actionable intelligence and context needed to manage security risks across the enterprise. Uncover the many ways in which your organization can benefit from our analytics-based approach to security.
Core Impact
Expose security vulnerabilities with comprehensive penetration testing
Core SCS (Security Consulting Services)
Discover the strength of your security controls with pen testing services from our trusted cybersecurity experts
Event Manager
Identify and respond to security events in real time
Access Assurance Suite
Use advanced intelligence with holistic identity and access management
Core Password
Automate password management and self-service password resets
Core Privileged Access Manager (BoKS)
Centralize your multi-vendor infrastructure into a single security domain
Secure Email Gateway
Flexible & powerful email security
Secure Exchange Gateway
Secure & control internal email
Secure ICAP Gateway
Additional protection for third-party web solutions
Secure Web Gateway
Control web traffic and its data
Beyond Security
Network and Application Security Tools
Beyond Security DAST finds code weaknesses, determines a product’s security without access to the source code, and is compatible with most hardware and protocol; including IoT, CANbus, and automotive. SAST checks the code security quality of applications and integrates SecOps into DevOps so your organization can include and streamline security solutions into the CI/CD function. Vulnerability management and assessment can quickly detect threats with the most accurate and fastest possible improvement in network security customized for your organization.
Get a scalable, cloud based, realtime black box fuzzer that doesn’t require source code and has over 250+ prebuilt protocol testing modules.
Fast and accurate vulnerability management and assessment solution that delivers cost effective, scalable network security scanning.
Get in Touch
Aquion proudly serves as Fortra’s Software distributor in Australia, New Zealand and APAC. If you have questions or need more information, contact Aquion to request a meeting or a free personalised demo.
Fortra Software
Our team is ready to help. Let’s talk about how Forta solutions can increase your security posture.