Cofense Phishing Protection Solutions | Aquion

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Phishing Protection Across the Entire Organisation

We have a problem. Still. Despite record investments in cybersecurity technology, the data continues to paint a bleak picture. Our heavy reliance on technology to protect against constantly evolving cyber threats ignores the most critical element— the human element. Phishing targets people – your employees – and with 92% of global information workers using email regularly as part of their job, it’s no surprise.

By targeting employees, attackers are playing the odds and hoping for an easy mark. The powerful combination of Cofense’s Human Phishing Defense Solution disrupts the core of the adversary’s
attack chain – their targets and tactics. Cofense focuses on engaging the human–your last line of defense after a phish bypasses other technology – and enabling incident response teams to quickly
analyse and respond to targeted phishing attacks.

Stop Phishing Threats

The powerful combination of Cofense PhishMe and Cofense Reporter helps turn all employees into your own human phishing defense. Condition employees to resist phishing attempts and empower
them to become part of the solution by identifying and reporting real attacks in real-time.

Speed Incident Response

Cofense Triage and Cofense Intelligence strengthen your organization’s ability to quickly identify and respond to phishing attacks in progress. With the entire employee-base reporting malicious emails, the SOC and IR teams will have an efficient way to verify the steady stream of internal reports against external threats.

Why You Should Partner with Aquion


  • Aquion understands that a Phishing attack is the start of a chain of events within an organisation and that the larger an organisation, the more comprehensive a solution is needed to stop Phishing initiated exploits. As one of Cofense’s longest standing partners, our Consultants and Technical personnel have been trained to deliver Cofense solutions that stop Phishing attacks and integrate with your existing incident response framework.


eBook: 19 Minutes - A Minute by Minute Account of Collective Defense in Action

Learn how collective defenses react in the face of a phishing attack

The Power of the Collective: Cofense at a Glance

Learn more about Cofense

Report: The State of Phishing Defense

Learn about susceptability, resiliency and reponse to phishing attacks

We are Aquion

Innovative and emerging vendors have chosen to partner with Aquion to enter the Australasian marketplace since 2000.

Our vendor-trained sales and technical professionals have established beachheads for major Cyber security vendors in Oceania.

Our technical consultants have delivered business critical software solutions to manage monitor and secure Banks, Insurance, Telco, Government, and Healthcare enterprises.

Our procurement services and software annuities teams have the sourcing and licensing knowledge to assist businesses to get the right software on time.

Companies that we have worked with